This year, we were honored as the 8th Fastest Growing Women-led business in NH by Business NH Magazine, a very exciting achievement for our team and clients. I was recently asked how I did it. My first response was, “Well you know I’m a workaholic!” No, I’m not suggesting that is the secret to success, and I don’t recommend it. But, I have developed certain simple disciplines over the years that have served me well in growing my business (and living my best life).
I set goals. It always surprises me how many business owners don’t have them, but I’m a strong believer in setting concrete goals. Unless I know where I’m going, how am I going to get there? And then, I own them. That means I concentrate on my goals every day, review them quarterly, revise them if needed, but I never, ever, abandon them.
I pray and meditate each morning. It’s all too easy to just start putting out fires, but I prioritize prayer and meditation. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what’s happened and look forward, always with a grateful heart.
I know my numbers. We preach this to our clients constantly, but numbers tell the story. I never want to be surprised or not have the information I need to make smart, informed decisions.
I invest in my business. Business requires strong management and strategic investment. I make sure we stay ahead of the curve with the right people, the best organization and tools, and consistent excellence in the work we do.
I invest in my clients. I love what we do, and my team and I are as invested in the success of our clients as we are in the success of LifeLine. There is no better reward than helping other business owners smartly grow their companies.
We work as a family. I am blessed with a team like no other. We work hard, laugh, celebrate life, and support each other. When you have an amazing team all focused on the same goals, there are no limits.
So, for me, there really is no deep secret to success, but focusing on these simple acts have brought me to where I am today – leading an amazing business and team that is smashing it. I’ve never been one to be satisfied with reaching last year’s goals, though. Time to set new audacious goals and chart our course for next year!